Monday, January 1, 2007

Little Red....

With apologies to Prince, forget the Corvette, I want a 1965 or 66 Red Mustang (I know it's a cliche, doesn't everyone want one? Still...). Preferably convertible. My neighbor Art had his 1966 hardtop Mustang out and I grabbed some shots. This is the original grill. She's a gorgeous car and unfortunately has been stolen a couple of times. Art has been lucky enough to get her back both times with minimal damage. He now keeps her in a very secure location.

This car is so California. A few years before I moved to California I rented a Mustang Cobra convertible and drove up Rt 1 from Southern Cal and back with a girlfriend for a couple weeks. Who knew you could get so much attention, it was a total guy magnet. Hmmm, time to plan a 2007 road trip? Could be one my resolutions....

Speaking of resolutions; a friend send me a link about establishing resolutions, more in line of making healthy changes:

My hope is to continue enjoying good food, developing my skills as a photographer, travel, take time to be with friends/family and just enjoying the moments life gives me.

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