Friday, February 23, 2007

Gendered Art

"Feminist art is the art which illuminates women's life experiences. You know a woman did it." Judy Chicago

I read an bit of an excerpt on an upcoming biography on Judy Chicago. It made me began to think; is art gender specific, should it be, need it be? Is it only necessary to even consider that it should be because so much of what we are taught comes from a more male dominated perspective?....I'm not sure what I think about this..I'm just musing on it...but I will come back to it.

All I know is that certainly my photography and art comes from my experiences, but should it be labeled women's art? Do we need to label a piece male or we ever label male art as such? Shouldn't it just be photography or art period....why are labels even necessary...cannot we just look at a piece of art and let it be in those moments for the experience it is and leave the intellectualizing till later.

When I take a picture, it is because it feels right in that moment. If I alter it as I did with the Polaroid I put here tonight it's because again, the photo itself, didn't seem right and needs more. When it feels complete I stop...

How do others approach their art and know when to stop? It is certainly a dialogue I wouldn't mind having...

The Cowboy Junkies "Angel Mine"

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