Friday, February 9, 2007

Rainy Days and Fridays

The rainy season has finally arrived or resumed depending on your point of view. I decided to use the day to work on Photoshop and catch up. My roommate Brian was kind enough to let me try out some video tutorials on a tutorial website he belongs to (he's a graphics artist). It's definitely been interesting and helpful. I tend to be like many people a visual and experiential learner so it's been helpful

This photo was taken about a week or so ago after a major cold snap. Roses were blooming and dying in a very dichotomous way. It's another Orton effect photo. It's what I've been working with all week.

Looks like Angels Island trip will be delayed as major rain is expected to continue tomorrow. I'm listening to Patty Griffin's new CD, "Children Running Through". Border's is running a couple of samples, "Heavenly Days" and "I Don't Ever Give Up". It's sublime.

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Pondering on Photography

"The attributes of asymmetry are humility, grace, kindness and decency, while profit, greed and indecency are symmetry." -Yohji Ya...