Friday, August 24, 2007

Isn't It Ironic

Fashion photography is something I love. What I don't love is the pressure placed on women to adhere to a standard of size O. Yesterday I received my September issue of Harpers Bazaar. Within it Rita Wilson, wrote an amusing essay entitled "Size 8 in a Size O World". I chuckled and thought "Yes someone gets it". Ten years ago a size 6-8 was considered a small size in fashion. Further in the issue Courtney Love holds forth on the woes of being a size 8 and not having a chance at getting best dressed at that size. Hello! When did being size 8 make you a porcine princess? All I can say is poor sad woman. Isn't it ironic though.

I believe we come in a variety sizes and the most important thing is to be at a healthy weight for you. Not to mention having a healthy relationship with food. If I read one more article touting the miracles of using just colonics and spirulina....You get the idea.

I'm off to enjoy and I emphasize enjoy a breakfast of scrambled eggs topped with a tomato coulis and some bakery bread, all gotten from the local farmers market. Enjoy your spirulina...

Alanis Morrisette, "Isn't It Ironic":

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Who I'm Becoming

  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...