Sunday, May 25, 2008


Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistance.
Woodrow Wilson

Since I'm working tomorrow, I want to salute those who work to support liberty and freedom in our country. Not just the ones who have served in wars, although they certainly are the heart of Memorial Day, but those who have stood for individual freedoms, who have supported this country through their conscience of what is right.

To those who have served in wars and I have met through my work as a clinician, thank you for all you've done. May our government support all of our Veterans. Especially, the ones who put their lives on the line and whom have returned wounded physically and psychologically, to give them all that they need to recover. Finally, may this insane cost of life in the political action called the Iraq War be at an end next year and our troops returned.

Bon Jovi, "Bells of Freedom":

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