Monday, June 23, 2008

Road Trip 5 or Cooling Down

A lake carries you into recesses of feeling otherwise impenetrable.
William Wordsworth

Being there are 800+ fires burning in California and we can see smell/see the results where I'm at, so I thought I'd move forward a bit to our stopping off at a small lake in the upper elevations of the Sierra Nevada's (I'll return to Bodie next entry) to get away from it for a moment. It was amazing to still see snow there in June. People were fishing along the lake for trout, and the water was freezing. The water had a brilliant green blue look in sections. The area where I was had a more reddish reflection due to the water lilies coming up. When I found the cove that I photographed above, it was like discovering a secret oasis. There were a few rugged cabins lining the shore and some camp areas. It created a feeling of another time. I hope to return to the lake and spend some time at when I get the chance.

It's just too bad we can't get some of the flood waters from Iowa to California somehow. It's incredible though how so many dig in and fight the fires/floods, they take it on, come what may.....

Jesse Cook, "Come What May":

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