Saturday, December 13, 2008

Nooks and Crannies

The flaneuse is an aimless stroller who loses herself in the crowd, who has no destination and goes wherever caprice or curiosity directs her steps.
Edmund White

Today I wanted to live in the sense in which this blog began. To get lost for a bit and see what turned up. The pictures are above are the result of that. Certainly I had a couple of destinations in mind (and still do, since I'm writing a bit earlier then usual), but I wanted to just see what was on some unexpected streets. The weather seemed to be with me as it lost itself all day. Fog, sunshine and then rain. I saw some of the best beauty and the worst.

The Patrick Demarchelier exhibition was excellent (I'll share a video I found on it). But all of the beauty made me wonder about the not so beautiful in Paris. This was driven by a curious phenomena I saw of several old women wearing scarfs and using canes/crutches bent over in half begging. Later the proprietress at my hotel said that it is an ethnic group more commonly know here as "gypsies" who use the elderly women as bait for pickpocketing. I don't know if it is true, but I know that there are certainly other legitimate homeless older people I saw and it lingered.

Onward to the Cluny and Mass at Notre-Dame cathedral.

Patrick Demarchelier Exhibition at "Le Petit Palais":

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  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...