Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Heart Is A Crazy Organ

funny I'm fallin', feels like flyin' for a little while....
Crazy Heart

I realized it's been a month since I posted. What can I say between working extra, healing from a broken love affair and just keeping up with what's going on with my Mom, it's been busy.

Today a friend and I got up early, walked to a downtown bistro for breakfast and then went over to see Crazy Heart. I adore Jeff Bridges and was just waiting for this movie to come out. If this doesn't finally get him the Oscar he deserves, I don't know what would. He's a talented guy in many arenas. I've also followed his photography for a number of years (he takes pictures on the sets of where he is filming and often posts them on his website).

The movie was also a great one for Valentine's day. Love is rarely smooth and you have to have a crazy heart to keep on trying to take chances on it and other things in life. To me what that means specifically is that it may seem crazy to keep taking chances when your world is challenged or shattered through caring about someone/thing, but with out it you'd be a burned out dried husk. Pretty much where Jeff Bridge's character 'Bad Blake' was headed....Taking a chance on love in this movie turned out to be his chance to bloom again, even in late middle age...

So I intend to let my heart be the crazy organ that it is, stay open and keep taking the chances that make this journey of life all worth it.

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you......

Jeff Bridges/Colin Farrell, "Fallin' and Flyin':

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