Monday, March 8, 2010

While There is Light, There Is Hope

Hope is the dream of a soul awake
French Proverb

Tomorrow I will return to California. It's hard as this past week has shown me things are changing with my Mom's health and the time is growing shorter. My hope now is for peace for her and my siblings. People have been asking me how I get through and handle what's going on. Simply I look for light and beauty whenever I can find it. For me besides the support of friends and others, that has been in my music, others music and photography. To say yes to the process of life in whatever it brings.

Susanna from Susanna's Sketchbook has a wonderful project called "Winged Messengers". She makes these lovely winged drawings with sayings on them. When someone requests them, she will send them to them. The recipient then takes the messenger and posts it somewhere for a positive effect. Photographs are then sent to Susanna who shares them. It's an incredible project and I felt when I saw this quote recently, my time had come to participate, so next month she will kindly be sending me some. She is an incredible artist and I count myself lucky to have come to know of her through her lovely blog.

So keep looking to the light and the beauty of inspiration...

Afro Celt Sound System, "Lovers of Light":

1 comment:

susanna said...

Oh Lisa-Marie, I'm sorry to hear about the changes in your mom's health. I am glad that you are able to spend time with her and that you both have family and friends you can count on. And you have a creative medium where you can lose,find and express yourself. Photography was that for me after my father died.

Thank you for your kind words about my winged messenger project, too. I was not expecting this when I dropped by for a visit this evening and it's certainly given me a boost. For some reason, I've been questioning myself this past week so I really do appreciate your support. And you've given me a kick in the pants to paint up some more winged messengers.

I hope you have a good start to this new week.

Who I'm Becoming

  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...