Saturday, July 28, 2012

Crystalline Knowledge

From the time I arrived at the Hermitage to the time I left, I was touched by the hospitality and support of the monks there. They were not intrusive, but offered what was theirs to share..a beautiful place to gain insight into ones needs through silence, blessing freely given and illumination through spiritual direction.

I experienced all three. For spiritual direction, Father B. walked with me and gave some of the richest insights I've gained throughout this process (and they are surprisingly ecumenical). As he told me I've walked these roads with everyone one from atheist to Catholic. Without sharing too much, he gave me the task of returning to photography, poetry and music to gain/give insight and solace to body, mind and spirit. He is a poet himself and he gave me the first subject to create a poem of sorts on...he asked me to consider what is cancer to me and what is my relationship to it. Sitting inside and out at Doxa, I came up with a free form poem...this is dedicated to you Father B.

What is Cancer? (an answer to Father B.)

Cancer is the thief in the night
who stole my health's innocence.

Cancer is the alarm
that has awoken the timekeeper of my life.

Cancer is the winnower of relationships,
it separates the chaff from the grain.

Cancer is the set designer
that alters the look and feel of my body.

Cancer is the ultimate teacher
offering lessons on living my life.

Buckingham Nicks "Crystal":

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