Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rising Like A Phoenix-Courage

Right now I'm embracing the legend of the Phoenix. I am beginning to understand that much of what I take for granted, what I experience and think that I know is being burned to ashes. And if I'm to arise from the ashes, I'm going to have to face the process.

Last night I actually looked at wigs, head scarfs and turbans. Today I picked up my cell and made an appointment with a local wig bank to be fitted for one next week. My greatest fear has been the chemotherapy and what it could do. I still have a trill of fear that runs through me when I consider the possibilities, but am pushing ahead. To quote Mark Twain: "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear." And despite the failure of recent relationships, I will follow Maya Angelou's advice: "Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time."

Today I am grateful for resilience. It gives me hope that I will arise to a new cycle of life when I finish the burning of breast cancer. That I will be more beautiful, stronger and more glorious then ever.

Johnny Cash, "Ring of Fire":

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