Monday, July 9, 2012

Traveling Back to Well Town

A couple of the books I've read during this time talk about being made to move out of the town of Well Town and into Breast Cancer Town when you are diagnosed. The metaphor was used of trying to get back to Well Town  but that some the residents want to keep you into the ghetto at best. Well folks I've got news for the norm...I plan on moving back to Well Town. I'm moving back into the best residence I can find...

I'm now almost a month out from surgery. Today has been the best day I've had since the surgery. I called the oncologist this am and was told that they would call me in the near future with a time for an appointment.  Well, the longer the health care system waits to bring me back in and the better I feel, the more reluctant I am to let them give me therapies that they say will make me better as I am better. That is they want to make me sick again in order to prevent a re occurrence. So my reluctance to make a U turn is understandable.

I'm eating a diet that many nutritionists have recommended, I'm using supplements. Tomorrow I will return to the gym to use machines. I'm doing work on emotional/spiritual issues. On Thursday I have an appointment with a naturopath for a consult. Why do I feel instinctively that these things will do more for my long term healing in terms of not having an re occurrence then chemotherapy?

Today I'm grateful for all the folks who look at "alternative ways" to get people like me back to Well Town...they may not always be appreciated  by the mainstream,  but I'm glad they are out there trying to give a different point of view.

Lynyrd Skynyrd, "End of the Road":

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