Sunday, May 31, 2015

Summer Freedom

She was free in her wildness. She was a wanderess, a drop of free water. She belonged to no man and to no city.
-Roman Payne

I decided to return to the dulcimer later this week when the electric dogwood I had made arrives.  This entry is to just catch up a bit on life and make some observations. I had an surgery in mid-December that had a longer road to recovery then expected. Towards the end of my medical leave, my aging father arrived and it ended up I along with my sibs had to pick up the reins on his medical issues, I'm also grounded first due to lifting restrictions then some issues with the travel trailer. With that going on, making plans to do an at home summer artist retreat seemed opportune. I have a rambling garden going. I threw in some flower and vegetable seeds that I was given and spend a bit of time there every day planning what I'll be working on for art. In the garden I'm loosening the stranglehold on what I thought my life should be and showing up more everyday for what my life is and is becoming. I've let go of time tables, of my lover and opened up to possibilities. 

This morning this beautiful morning glory showed up. It wasn't asked for or planned for. It gave it's vibrant presence freely. I am discovering the same in doing art. Once it is done I'm letting it go, sending it out and letting it have it's own wild beauty. If someone finds it then wonderful, but no comparisons, no angst, just joy in the flow of the experience.

A song from a teacher of art, song and life.

Joni Mitchell, 'A Case of You':

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