Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Whimsical Possibilities

All the possibilities of your human destiny are asleep in your soul. You are here to realize and honor these possibilities. When love comes in to your life, unrecognized dimensions of your destiny awaken and blossom and grow. Possibility is the secret heart of time.
-John O'Donohue

My poor blog has been neglected and left to grow weeds. After contemplation of what to do, I decided to keep it, but it was time for a name change. Some of the blog will remain, I still consider myself a flaneuse, but it isn't only through the eyes of photography. I am doing many things in life to celebrate being alive and being here. I have been learning to play dulcimer, doing embroidery portraits on reclaimed linens and learning how to do free machine embroidery. The Celtic harp and guitar are occupying space also. In life I have said good-bye to some relationships and opened the door to others.  My siblings and I have reconciled and are growing in our connections to each other. Recently those connections were used to start a process of caring for an aging father.

In the last few months I have found myself using the phrase of whimsical possibilities. At first it was in reference to describe a change in decor I had made. After a few times in use, I realized it is a good way to describe how I am trying to look at and live life. This month I will be on the third anniversary of being diagnosed with breast cancer. Luckily it isn't front and center any more. It is there in the background though as I have to regularly see an onocologist to be checked since I didn't do chemotherapy and stopped taking the medication because of side effects. My  path so far seems to be the better one. My doctor just shakes his head and tells me that I really shouldn't be doing as well as I am, but he cannot deny the evidence. So I just tell him "Doc, I'm living the whimsical possibilities."...And so I am. This blog will reflect pretty much what it always has, but hopefully with more of the whimsy. 

To those who may read: welcome and may you find your own whimsical possibilities in your journeys.

From the One World CD from one of my favorite artists:

Jesse Cook, "Beneath Your Skin":

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