Sunday, July 5, 2015

Concert in the Garden

It was like being in the  eye of a hurricane. You'd wake up in a concert and think, Wow, how did I  get here?
-John Lennon

The high heat we've been experiencing had a a break this am, so I went out to my garden patio to have coffee and breakfast. The wind was stirring the bells and chimes I have scattered and the birds were singing. So inspired I drew and completed my first embroidery design. When I finished that the creative juices were still flowing so I grabbed my newest dulcimer to practice and actually just play what came into mind. A bit of backtracking. The city here decided to create a bike path/park a few years ago. A segment was placed  a few feet from my patio wall. At first we were not thrilled as we were worried about some problem elements the city has been experiencing etc. That has not proved the case, as promised it is patrolled and it has become a source of people including families to use. I've come to enjoy the sounds of  life it brings. Today apparently I brought the sounds of music to the walkers. I had played several songs then stopped. I heard clapping and some one yelled 'Play more'. I climbed on a chair and peeked over the wall. About 8 people were sitting on a bench and grass listening. It lead to a discussion and showing of the dulcimer. And I did play more, so excluding my playing at work, I gave my first dulcimer concert this am. It all felt a bit surreal, but it was fun.

John Lennon, '# 9 Dream':

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