Sunday, August 30, 2015

Breathing Quiet Light

With an eye made quiet by the power of harmony, and the deep power of joy, we see into the life of things.
-William Wordworth

This morning I awoke and sat in a club chair across from where I embroider. The early morning light gently lit up the table that hold supplies I use. For several minutes I watched the play of it, breathed it in and just knew I was. There isn't a much better way to start the day.

Jesse Cook, 'Breathing Below Surface':

Friday, August 28, 2015

Rock It!

When I'm 80 and sitting in a rocking chair listening to the Rolling Stones, there is absolutely no way I am going to feel old or forget my younger days.
-Patty Duke

Meet my paternal grandmother's rocking chair. It has been passed around my family and now I have it for awhile. I don't spend a good deal of time in it, but I think it may have been the beginning of my journey in rock and roll. One time when we were visiting my grandmother when I  was 5 or 6 and I remember my Mom rocking me in it. I had fallen down, was crying and she sang rock songs to me while we rocked. I stopped crying and started singing with her. One of my happier younger memories. A few generations have rocked in it and I am having it reconditioned so it will rock a few more.

The Rolling Stones, 'It's Only Rock And Roll (But I Like It):

Monday, August 17, 2015

Looking Up And Out.

Keep looking up...That's the secret of life.

Not a good deal is going on. I'm buried in moving forward with painting with my thread and needle. The above was an adapted piece on vintage linen I did to put in my office. I liked the look of it underwater (I was soaking it to remove the stabilizer) so did a shot and adapted it.  I'm now working on a series and I have two pieces from it that I am working on. I'm finding I am a bit ADD that way. Got through a birthday and am getting ready for a brief road trip to Arizona in a couple of weeks. And as usual I'm hip deep in music.

Been listening to Heart tonight. In honor of the coming road trip I'll leave you this-

Heart, 'Red Velvet Car':

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Rock and Roll Babe

Rock on!

Meet Matilda a budding rock and roll Babe. I am now officially her rock godmother. A little explanation is needed. I keep a collection of rock and roll shirts for work outs, yoga and such. I'm in the process of getting a few more to replace some old ones. Well the one on Matilda was supposedly a woman's. When it arrived yesterday it was clear that it was a girl's. So when sharing it with my co-worker, she laughed and said it was like a Sid Vicious tee she had been given shortly before she left England. Not really American woman size and Matilda claimed it, and essentially wore it out and has wanted more. After some thought (mainly the bustier and its ahem, enhancements) if it would be good for a 7 year old who would want to wear it 24-7, I asked Irene if she could have it. Irene was fine with it and the above the result was the above. 

School is make in session here. Sure enough Matilda wanted to wear it to school. With the same thought I had that she might get a call about her taste level in what Matilda was wearing, Irene had to say no. Matilda was in tears, but Mom prevailed promising her she could wear it as much as she wanted at home. So I'm thinking I have a build Matilda a rock and roll t-shirt collection, including some for school. Hmmm, some Heart, another Pat B., The Ramones, Alice Cooper, The Beatles....

Tonight's selection is from Pat Benatar. Not all of the children I have known or worked with have been as lucky as Matilda to have great and loving parents. For them may the world be a better place that they can rock on in.

Pat Benatar, 'Hell Is For Children':

Pondering on Photography

"The attributes of asymmetry are humility, grace, kindness and decency, while profit, greed and indecency are symmetry." -Yohji Ya...