Sunday, January 22, 2017

Protesting or Pussy Power

Never in all the years I've voted did I think I would ever reach a time when I couldn't call someone elected to the highest office in the land our President.  Even when persons came into office that I hadn't agreed with politically, I gave them the respect of what the office of the President stood for. And I cannot even do that, because now we have the anti-President. 

I am a woman, a childhood abuse survivor and was bullied in school. Thanks to wonderful people who helped me,  I grew beyond that and  experienced resilience. Further I chose to become a social worker/therapist to help people who had not been protected, marginalized or were seeking to make their life better.And ironically in that theme, this year's NASW's standard is Stand Up!

There were many protests held yesterday. I wanted to be in one of them, but due to preparing for a medical procedure I'm having, I had to stay close to home.  And as our anti-President had immediately starting taking negative actions that added to my growing dread, I felt the need to do something! So I decided to add my voice in some way. I joined with other women in the reclamation process of a derivative term and designed this embroidery art.

This is just the beginning. As the old saying goes, "It's better to light a candle, then to curse the darkness". Honey, I intend to start a blaze....

Helen Reddy, 'I Am Woman':

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The Day America May Have Died

  "We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated  in the hands of a few, but we cannot have both....