Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Work In Progress

Everybody's a work in progress. I'm still a work in progress. I've never arrived...I'm still learning all the time.
Renee Fleming

When are we finished? When we get a degree, a spouse/partner, a child, the perfect house at the perfect address? One thing I've learned in this season of my life, is that we never really arrive at a final destination. We just have stops along the way. I've been working on embroidery projects with vintage linens (portraits and scenes) and textile collages using fabric scraps. Many ideas and thoughts dance through my mind when I'm working, but one thing has become clear, the work in progress is always ongoing. When I think I've completed it, something in the work urges me on to another piece, another attempt in creating.  So while I may think the piece is final, it's not, it's just a link in the chain. And so goes life.

Pete Seeger, 'Oh, I Had A Golden Thread (A Link in the Chain)':

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Who I'm Becoming

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