Thursday, April 13, 2017


Round eggs can be made square according to how you cut it;
words could be harsh according to how you speak them.
 Japanese Proverb

Every holiday that comes around we try and do something inspirational for our patients at the clinic where I work to cheer them up from having to be on dialysis. We always have to make sure it fits into 101 federal regulations also, so finding something can be a creative exercise. So at Easter we take a few dialysis appropriate treats and an inspirational saying, place them in eggs and give them out. Nothing expensive and seemingly simple, but it is amazing the smiles and gratitude that we receive back.

I think that most of us have our inner child peek out on holidays. Or I least I hope we do, it would be sad if that piece of ourselves ever got lost.

Sheryl Crow, 'Sweet Child O'Mine':

Friday, April 7, 2017

Etudes of Embroidery

When I have needles, threads, and other special materials in front of me, something stirs deep inside my unconscious mind in spite of myself, and I am filled with strong emotion.That is when I regain my true self.
Junko Oki 

To continue thoughts of the last post. I have looked online for inspiration and there is plenty to be found. It is however a double edged sword. On one hand, you want to run to your stash of fabric, needles or linens and start something new right away. On the other, you look at what you are attempting and begin to feel inadequate. So I think the only way you become better is to look away, pick up your materials and do what I call the etudes of embroidery. They may be rough and seem amateurish, but the more you practice, the more smoother they become and your work reflects this. Your work shows your true self and becomes authentic.

And to share someone who influences and inspires me in music quite regularly.

Jesse Cook, 'Once':

Monday, April 3, 2017

Contractions and Expansions

All forms of human expression, art, science are going to become expanded, by expanding our intelligence.
Ray Kurzweil

When it comes to creativity, there is a certain amount of ADD in my approach. I will often work on two or three embroidery projects (similar to working with the music I do also). I've started doing what I call technical exercises, practicing stitches, trying out new ideas. The other two things continue with portraits and a move into figurative landscapes so to speak. The work above was in the technical exercise category and based on wanting to try out acrylic paint on fabric and doing round balls of running stitch. The colors reminded me of photos I've seen of  what we are seeing in the universe these days. From there the analogy of the universe expanding came to mind...the whole idea of at the center of new stars being created, there is a whirling mass of chaotic happening and then as things begin to form they are sent out to begin a unique life and then at end everything collapses and contracts again. So the idea for this little technical exercise formed and was completed. It was fun, freeing and now I'm on the next exercise.

The Beatles, 'Across the Universe':


Who I'm Becoming

  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...