Sunday, August 4, 2019

Fire of Hate

I wrote words today, not sure where they are going, but for the moment they are a reflection of my heart sickness on what we are becoming in this country. When we having mass shootings every day....our culture has become one of ugly words, breads and circuses and media spectator sport...

Yet I have hope:


Bullets piercing the world now
Seems like every day
Striking masses of innocents
They're lost in the frey
Grief seeds are flying every where
Angry gardeners using blood to make
The pain garden grow

Will the fire of hate consume us
Leaders and media fanning the flame
Can whispers of love turn to shouts
Telling us return to the land of the sane

Now crying, now praying, now singing....
For tomorrow's children
There has to be a way
Now bringing
The fire of hate extinguished
The earth becoming a garden of play

 I am a member of the organization playing for changeThey are trying to use music to bring the world together. Join them or an organization of your choice...the madness has got to stop.

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