Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Beginning Yet Again

 "Never feel guilty for starting again."
-Rupi Kaur

These days being a flaneuse has been more mental than physical. I moved to Arizona to be closer to family, to redo my career and to try and figure out where I am in this whole aging process. The career has stabilized, the family thing has been frought with tension. And let's just say the aging process as society would have it has sparked my inner rebel.

Last night I took a trip to the Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix to see Joe Jackson. It was a last minute invite and I had no idea what to expect. I hadn't really followed him in recent decades. What happened was a brilliant music meets theater as he presented musical hall songs inspired by the Victorian/Edwardian era. It was boisterous, bawdy and brilliant. He came out in a suit played some his earlier work on a electric piano and then excused himself. He came back essentially as a character he created, Max Champion, and brought with him, what looked like a steam punk band. It was fun, creative and ended up with a standing ovation.

So I'm inspired to begin again, to reinvent and see what I can discover both as a mental and soon physical flaneuse.

Joe Jackson, "Is She Really Going Out":

Who I'm Becoming

  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...