Saturday, September 21, 2024

Who I'm Becoming


"Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work"
-Patti Smith

As I delve back into photography, I continue to look for inspiration and work to grow. Earlier today I watched a video produced by a young photographer I admired and a couple of the things he deemed important to grow as a photographer included travel and reading photo books. The travel aspect I am working on due to the changes in the recent few years, but photography books are easier to obtain thanks to the great library system and thrift stores here.

Tonight I've been delving through Patti Smith's, "Book of Days". It's an inspiration in that she produced the images on her old Polaroid (I adore instant film) and other cameras. She had posted them on Instagram. I'm doing something similar. However, for me it's not about becoming famous or known really, it's the act and discipline of figuring out what inspires me and where I'm going on this journey. Putting them out, enforces the discipline. I know that I love both analog and digital. I don't feel I have to give up one over the other, rather I think they can co-exist and provide a unique path of creativity. Just a note is that some people feel they are more Zen with film then digital. I actually am finding that I am fairly Zen with my digital. I don't shoot a good deal all at once. I look for inspiration and then just take a few shots at most. It's kind of a street photography approach. If I'm lucky and use what I know, I often get what I hope for.

And so the journey of becoming continues.

Patti Smith, "Horses":

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Who I'm Becoming

  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...